Apple hires all Tesla engineers to develop self-driving cars

Bloomberg reported on the 5th that Apple in the U.S. has hired an engineer of Tesla, a major U.S. electric vehicle (EV), to accelerate car development.Apple reportedly invited Christopher Moore to join the self-driving car development team.Apple and Tesla did not immediately respond to Reuters’ request for comment.At Tesla, Moore said something that might point out that Elon Musk exaggerates the functionality of autopilot software. Earlier this year, officials from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) interviewed Moore as part of an investigation into self-driving software. Here, Moore said Musk’s claim to Autopilot “does not match engineering reality.”Dag field (Doug Field) has transferred to the responsibility of Apple automobile development sector.Apple’s recently appointed the Cyclone L Synchronization (KDevice) that led the software engine Watch (KDevice) in this seat.Other major people, including the former CEO of the automobile startup canoe (Uranz) in the automobile startup canoe (Uranz) in the car industry.Apple is a Tesla’s former drive train responsible for Michael Schwekuth (Micheki) and interior officer.Reuters Communications reported that Apple has developed automobile technology for automobile cars and manufacturing cars with their innovative battery technology.Apple employs a former Tesla engineer to promote self-driving car initiatives – Bloomberg News Apple Inc hired a former engineer from Tesla Inc to promote car development efforts, Bloomberg News reported Friday, citing people familiar with the issue. ( ですApple employs a former Tesla engineer to promote self-driving car initiatives – Bloomberg News Apple Inc hired a former engineer from Tesla Inc to promote car development efforts, Bloomberg News reported Friday, citing people familiar with the issue. ( ですApple employs a former Tesla engineer to promote self-driving car initiatives – Bloomberg News Apple Inc hired a former engineer from Tesla Inc to promote car development efforts, Bloomberg News reported Friday, citing people familiar with the issue. ( です

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